
Hello, my name is Pierre. I am a Belgian environmental economist with a passion for sustainability, data science and everything in between.

I have dedicated the first years of my career working for international institutions (EU-EIB, UN-FAO) and improving my data analysis and visualization skills, among other things. Please see the Portfolio section of this website if you want to have a look at some of my projects.


Here, you can view my curriculum vitae, either directly in your browser or as a PDF.

  • HTML: best for viewing online.
  • PDF: best for printing.


Below, you will find some examples of my work in data visualization, R programming, GIS analysis and more.

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Click to check it out!

  • Animated maps of global fisheries and aquaculture production by country
    • Technology: R (ggplot2, sf, gganimate packages)
    • Data: FAO
    • Featured on FAO’s Fisheries and Aquaculture Division’s Twitter/X account
    • GitHub source available

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Click to check it out!

  • Map showing the results of a study of climate change’s effects on fisheries sustainability
    • Technology: QGIS
    • Data: FAO
    • Presented at COP25

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  • GIS analysis of the urban heat island effect in Brussels based on multispectral satellite imagery
    • Technology: ArcGIS
    • Data: LandSat 8


email: pierreami.maudoux (at) gmail

LinkedIn pamaudoux

twitter: pierremdx

github: pamdx